The Passive House Institute (PHI) Darmstadt Germany is an important center defining
energy efficiency standards for the European Union and guides its
transition to the construction and thermo-modernization of buildings according to NZEB principles.
Founded in 1996 by Dr. Wolfgang Feist, PHI plays a crucial in introducing the Passive House concept, which has become a global benchmark for energy efficiency. Its developments is used as a benchmark in sustainable development policy, technical planning and implementation of building projects in many countries around the world. PHI closely cooperates with governments, international organizations and the European Commission to formulate common standards for achieving energy efficiency.
European Commission, forming common standards for achieving climate goals.
An important role in this is played by the European Green Deal, the European Union’s strategy for achieving climate action.
European Union’s strategy to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. It includes an ambitious package of measures that supports the the introduction of energy efficient technologies, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and incentivizing investments in sustainable development. Thanks to the efforts of PHI and the Green Deal,
Europe is adopting best practices in modernization and construction,
improving the quality of life, ensuring social justice in the transition to a sustainable economy, leaving Europeat the forefront of the global climate transformation…

Since 2018, Energy Alliance has been cooperating with PHI. The joint work on the implementation of the project in Ukraine certification of model school buildings according to the program of comprehensive renovation of the region ” Initiative ” . Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 1159 dated October 14, 2022. Expert works are being carried out.

Photo PHI